Saturday, December 28, 2024

CALIFORNIA in danger?

 Psalm 93:3-4

King James Version

3 The floods have lifted up, O Lord, 

the floods have lifted up their voice; 

the floods lift up their waves.

4 The Lord on high is mightier 

than the noise of many waters, 

yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.

There's something happening in California, specifically northern California, and it doesn't do well that its governor Newsom tries to be a nuisance.

He has accused Elon of "bending the knee" to Trump.

With him about not to.

What would make him bend his knee to the one chosen to govern the U.S.?

Romans 13:1-2

King James Version

13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. 

For there is no power but of God: 

the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, 

resisteth the ordinance of God: 

and they that resist 

shall receive to themselves damnation.

As I watch videos on the changing conditions and coastline of California's central coast, it reminded me of my 2007 dream.

At that time, I had not really thought about traveling to the U.S.

But GOD gave me a dream, wherein I was "flying" over the land.

And even saw numbers atop a bus on the highway.

I also saw parts of northern California "missing".

Even the words "Big Sur" was given me in the dream.

I thought no more of the strange dream.

But a month after that, GOD "delivered" me, with ease, into California.

Where others had a difficult time getting a visa, GOD practically handed it to me.

No questions asked, no finances searched, except for what was already on my online application.

Which the embassy official saw, sufficed.

I saw Monterey, and Big Sur.

Apart from other parts of northern California.

All the while thinking to myself why GOD gave me that dream.

I walked along Monterey's rugged coastline.

I also walked along Carmel's beach.

Pretty, but something made me get out of there fast when I saw that huge pipe, which empties water into the ocean.

Again, I thought no more of it for 17 years, till today.

Listening to governor Newsom's belligerence to Trump, and Kamala's desire to run for governor, one thinks this duo just have no respect for Trump.

They also just don't know when to "quit".

Such is pride, ego, and vanity.

Obviously, Newsom wants to run for president.

Elon's so disgusted with California's left and woke policies, he took his companies to Texas instead.

Where he doesn't have to deal with policies favoring woke workers.

So, today, I watch the 150-foot wharf destroyed at Santa Cruz.

That happened just two days ago.

It's known to be a surfer's place there, but because of the collapsed piles and debris, it's dangerous to get hit by these on the water.

Many parts have already been washed ashore.

There have been reports of big "swells", not seen in decades.

Bear note, the only thing separating my country, from California, is the vast Pacific Ocean.

Wikipedia says it's "the largest and deepest of Earth's five oceanic divisions".

There's something happening in California.

Satan's come to roost.

Or perhaps, he's already been there for ages.

The last stronghold of resistance against GOD, and Trump?

San Francisco's known for gay pride, long before it became fashionable.

Kamala was once attorney general there.

But look at the state it's in now.

Not just the crimes, high taxes, and homelessness.

But mainly the self-absorption of governor Newsom.

Change has come.

Many of his state's areas have turned to Trump.

His "blue" state is no more.

If he keeps at it, it will be to the detriment of the people.

He's well-landed, but what about the people?

Many have commented on California's deplorable conditions, especially in San Francisco, and Oakland.

Trump will soon sit in office.

As a public official, Newsom must show respect, and support, for GOD's "anointed".

Only Trump, at this stage, can lead the nation back to "health".

He chose a strong team to help him.

Let not the waves wash all of Newsom, the Dems, and the left's foolishness.

They must think of others beyond, and apart, from themselves.

They must think of California's citizens, for one.

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On GOVERNMENTAL perfection

GOD's POWER over nations


GOD's GLORY blogs

Related videos:

JUST IN: Gavin Newsom Gets Absolutely Roasted By Kevin Kiley For Attempt To 'Trump-Proof' California

"Newsom's MISSING $24 Billion" - California Governor UNDER FIRE Over Missing Homeless Funds

seconds after Santa Cruz Wharf collapse 12/23/24 vlog

Jack Hibbs Sermon Today-📖 God's Prophetic In The Last Days 📖 -Dec 31, 2024

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The FOURTH man

 Numbers 4:49

King James Version

49 According to the commandment of the Lord 

they were numbered by the hand of Moses, 

every one according to his service, 

and according to his burden: 

thus were they numbered of him, 

as the Lord commanded Moses.

"Number four!"

I heard that voice in a dream this morning.

The setting was like at a semi-formal luncheon.

With white table cloth, and all.

From a long table, that "voice" boomed.

I was "alerted" around three a.m., then went back to sleep.

But didn't open my eyes till around four a.m.

In that hour's period, a "dream" was given.

At the end of the dream, a "long list" was revealed.

But all details were lost once I opened my eyes.

This much I can tell you, though.

It was a list which can only have come from GOD.

It was precise, and systematic.

Once you open your eyes suddenly from a dream, the details vanish.

A few "clues" are left.

GOD gives the dreams.

He wakes me up at the EXACT moment.

He makes me remember the EXACT details.

And if something was "left out", that's how it needs to be.

At least, for the moment.

I actually marveled at the details "given".

Was it about this man, or about events?

Seems to be both.

Pete Hegseth, Trump's nominee for the crucial position of Secretary of Defense met lots of resistance from the "left" media.

They could not wait to see him embroiled in scandal.

Of which, they were able to dig up "something".

A past indiscretion?

Whether it's valid or not, only GOD knows.

Men and women can hide stuff.

They can lie, or fabricate.

All have agendas.

But our GOD sees ALL.

Psalm 44:21

King James Version

21 Shall not God search this out? 

for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.

Jeremiah 17:10 

King James Version

10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, 

even to give every man according to his ways, 

and according to the fruit of his doings.

The day I heard Hegseth speak confidently of what he intends to do with the military, was the day I knew Trump's enemies would be at him.

Imagine saying something about cleaning up the "woke" from the military.

Or that women should be in "support" roles only.

That there are findings the military is more effective in battle, if there are no females in it.

As warrior, writer, watchman, and born again, I agree with his common sense, and findings.

After all, Trump won because he sought "common sense".

Kamal lost because she sought "woke sense".

Well, Hegseth being a military man, can be expected to junk all nonsense in the military.

Intrigued by his "ideology", I searched for his religious affiliation.

And this is what I found:

Hegseth lives in Tennessee. He is a member of Pilgrim Hill Reformed Fellowship,[70] a church in the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.

-- Wikipedia

The CREC rejects both modernism and fundamentalism.[13] It has published a number of "memorials", which among other things affirm Young Earth creationism, deprecate government schooling, and reject women serving in the military.[14] While non-partisan, CREC churches are "uniformly hostile to the leftist agenda".

-- Wikipedia

That's why he seems to be the "FOURTH" man spoken of in that dream.

That's the impression I got, soon as GOD woke me up.

The PERFECT man for the tough job.

Why "fourth", only GOD knows.

Just as Trump was "anointed" to win, and lead, the American people at this time, we feel GOD inspired Trump to nominate Hegseth, too.

Trump wants reform.

America is in DIRE need of GREAT reform.

What Kamala "broke", Trump intends to "fix".

That was his rallying cry at all his rallies.

"Woke" is "broke".

It has bankrupted men and women's souls.

She has been in sin too long.

The status quo cannot continue as it does.

It will be to the detriment of her people.

A feared domino effect for the whole world.


Only GOD knows what He predestined Hegseth for.

Time for the FOURTH man to come in.

Despite Satan's devices Hegseth be refused office.

Hegseth has to bear this out.

He has to pray to the ONE, TRUE GOD.

He has to be "blameless", and "spotless", as he fights for GOD.

He cannot be as he used to be, if he did have a dark history.

Interestingly, Hegseth has this on his arm:

Hegseth has several tattoos, a Jerusalem cross on his chest, and one reading “Deus Vult”, a latin phrase meaning “God wills it” on his bicep.

-- Wikipedia

That should be enough for CHRIST's enemy to tremble over.

Hegseth has been "marked".

Marked for GOD, Israel, and America.

Marked by the enemy, too.

For he belongs to GOD's army.

A man has been "sent".

To fix all the "woke" nonsense that has infiltrated America's army.

The FOURTH man, a WARRIOR of CHRIST, has showed up!

Prepare for the REAL battle!

25 January 2025 UPDATE:

BREAKING: Pete Hegseth confirmed as secretary of defense

Trump reaction to Hegseth confirmation: 'I think Pete's going to be a great secretary of defense.'

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STOP the muckraking

The number FOUR


CHRIST's soldier


The TRUMP series

Related videos:

Combat Vet vs. DC Establishment: Why Pete Hegseth Might Be Democrats' Biggest Confirmation Nightmare

What Trump Just Did Could CHANGE Israel Forever

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 Psalm 37:15

King James Version

15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, 

and their bows shall be broken.

What an astounding dream!

Waking me up early this morning.

Mercifully waking me up on time, too.

For it was "garbage" day.

SPIRIT made sure the dream was firmly implanted upon my mind.

I had been praying for something last night.

And today, one of the answers came through a startling dream.

Imagine a "victim" being wheeled in, passing by you.

Her belly just eviscerated.

Exposing the ribs, and cavity.

Her captor gloating.

What she did, he did not expect.

Still lying down, she took the very knife he cut her up with, swung to her left, and drove it through his abdomen.

Victim turns to victor.

Evil falls, and fails, once more.

What you have just witnessed is probably one* of the more disturbing dreams I've ever had.

Certainly one of the most vivid, and clear.

WARRIORS of the SPIRIT experience such dreams.

Not to frighten anyone, but it is what it is.

Dreams are often symbolic.

Sometimes literal.

This dream was symbolic.

Know this:

The very "weapons" evil uses against GOD's warriors

will be the VERY weapon used against them.

The verse above confirms it.

I had thought much about the path SPIRIT made me take.

And I realized it's been SPIRITUAL warfare all this time.

We had not deviated one iota.

SPIRIT, and Scripture, made things clear for me.

It's like I had been "battling" demons all my life.

Obviously, Satan wants my soul.

He aimed to trip, and trap, me at every corner.

Working through any person I came into contact with.

Most don't know the demons they're dealing with.

Much less know if one has gone into them.

Or is influencing them.

And believe me when I say, there's no "let up" when Satan wants you.

He will hound you till your soul catches fire.

Your only saving grace is JESUS.

And becoming born again.

As well as loving GOD with all your heart.

After all, what other chance of survival have you got?

You need JESUS to protect you.

You need the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you.

EVERY step of the way.

You have to be on your guard from demons once you serve GOD.

But the LORD will always save you.

Make sure you wear the FULL ARMOR of GOD.

Apart from the LORD JESUS, this armor is your best protection against the "wiles" of the devil.

Ephesians 6:11-13

King James Version

11 Put on the whole armour of God, 

that ye may be able to stand 

against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 

but against principalities, 

against powers, 

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 

against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, 

that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, 

to stand.

As born again, this much I can say, too.

With a very strong feeling I got last night.

A horde of demons have been "unleashed".

Probably all over the world.

Intent on more harm, crime, and destruction.


They've come for your home.

Stop being complacent, worldly, and indifferent.

Wicked, selfish, and sinful.

Thinking you're "untouchable".

Unless you're born again, you will doubt everything I say.

That makes you a likely target, if anything.

The closer you get to GOD, expect to be derailed by the enemy.

He won't want you to belong to GOD.

Not if he can unleash his limited power upon you.

He will throw traps your way.

Every single chance he could get.

A born again is always on guard.

FOREVER vigilant.

Even as we know GOD's angels wait for His commands.

Protecting His faithful.

JESUS promised believers:

Luke 21:18

King James Version

18 But there shall not 

an hair of your head perish.

Be on the winning side!

TURN to JESUS now!

Find your FAITH in JESUS.

Fear paralyzes people.

TRUE believers have no fear.

If anything, they welcome a challenge.

They know GOD's WORD will WITHSTAND anything.

And everything -- a certainty.

A stumbling block had been put my way last night.

That's why I prayed for a solution.

Which GOD promptly gave.

Through a practical way.

And that nasty dream.

Which revealed evil's downright failure.

TURN to JESUS now!

Every day is PURE GRACE from above.

Never think you know better than GOD.

As they say, you will be in for a rude awakening.

Let the demons cavort among themselves.

But have nothing to do with them.

Ever, at all.

James 4:7

King James Version

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. 

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

*MORE disturbing dreams:

27 years AFTER

MOST terrifying DREAM

Related material:

The REAL battle

Why you MUST turn to JESUS now!



22 Books on Spiritual Warfare

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Friday, August 30, 2024

MOST terrifying DREAM

 1 Peter 5:8

King James Version

8 Be sober, be vigilant; 

because your adversary the devil, 

as a roaring lion, 

walketh about, 

seeking whom he may devour:

Ever had bad dreams?

The threatening kind?

Paralyzing your whole body?

What did you do?

How did you get out of it?

What saved you?

Before GOD made me born again, I had such dreams.

Threats of all kinds, paralyzing my body.

Starting 27 years ago.

Only my eyes could move.

My whole body was "frozen".

Unable to move.

My mind was active.

But I could not speak, to ask for help.

I could not mouth the words.

My mind "spoke" -- with GREAT difficulty -- the ONLY prayer that got me out of such terrifying dreams:

"Please help me, GOD!"

The dream would dissolve.

I could move again.

I "lived" through another awful dream.

And I'd take note of EVERY dream, good or bad.

I literally have notebooks describing, and analyzing those dreams.

But there was one particular dream that nearly "got" me five years ago.

About a week before GOD made me born again.

It's the cusp between waking, and still being asleep, that gets you alert.

I woke up to find a "swarm" right above me.

Covering the length of my bed.

Psalm 118:12

King James Version

12 They compassed me about like bees

they are quenched as the fire of thorns: 

for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.

The "buzzing" insects were too numerous to describe.

I didn't even know what kind of insects they were.

But they felt like thousands of buzzing insects.

All tightly-packed together.

Hovering an inch above me.

Like sharp, tiny blades, ready to pounce.

Their combined sound was so very high-pitched.

Like nothing I've heard before.

As if they were communicating with each other, waiting for a signal.

GOD was merciful.

I got "AWAKENED" at the MOMENT of "attack".

I knew it was a demonic attack -- had TONS of those.

I prayed the only prayer I knew for such moments:

"Please help me, GOD!"

RIGHT AWAY, everything dispersed.

I was practically saved, in the nick of time.

That dream was the last threat to my peace.

The "enemy" wanted to try ONE LAST TIME to destroy me.

As if he could, when GOD's eyes had been on me, all this time.

We had a job to do.

The LORD allowed me to make TONS of mistakes all my life,

He knew it would be useful material for the work He wanted me to do.

FIRSTHAND material was best.

No theories, but true stuff to tell you about.

And now, I could team it up with Scripture.

By the GRACE of GOD, I lived to tell you all about it.

I've had many disturbing dreams prior to that.

You can find it through a fictionalized series of books on SPIRITUAL warfare.

And now, that "swarm".

That was probably the MOST terrifying dream I've ever had.

The MOST terrifying demonic attack I've ever had.

For it was up close, in ambush.

But my childlike prayer saved me.

The enemy knew what I was up to.

I would have none of him anymore.

I was to serve GOD, with ALL my heart.

Yesterday, I decided to do some research.

What was that razor-sharp "swarm"?

The closest thing to describe it was this:


also known as: Baalzebub —Greek form of Beelzebub

Meaning, most likely: “fly-lord” or “lord of the flies”.

-- Christian Answers

The very same demonic spirit they accused JESUS of:

Luke 11:14-15

King James Version

14 And he was casting out a devil, 

and it was dumb. 

And it came to pass, 

when the devil was gone out, 

the dumb spake; 

and the people wondered.

15 But some of them said, 

He casteth out devils through Beelzebub 

the chief of the devils.

So, that's what happened.

They sent the "strong" man to finish me off.

Knowing I was on to "something".

Of wanting to be FREE of sin.

Repenting of it.

Committing myself to ABSOLUTE truth.

And sharing with you my "findings".

They would have none of that.

That's what the enemy does.

They ambush you.

ESPECIALLY if GOD's eyes are on you.

They will sabotage everything.

Making sure you end up with them.

But have no fear, dear brothers, and sisters.

1 John 4:4

King James Version

4 Ye are of God, little children, 

and have overcome them: 

because greater is he that is in you, 

than he that is in the world.

TURN to the LORD always.

When in danger, of any sort, look to GOD.

PRAY for His HELP.

It always works for me.

I'm alive to tell you all about it.

Luke 19:37-38

King James Version

37 And when he was come nigh,

even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, 

the whole multitude of the disciples 

began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice 

for all the mighty works that they had seen;

38 Saying, 

Blessed be the King 

that cometh in the name of the Lord: 

peace in heaven, 

and glory in the highest.

Since GOD made me born again nearly FIVE years now, I have not had such dreams anymore.

Sure, these demonic spirits still make their presence known.

And even "seen".

Even the stuff they're "up to".

And I take note of all that.

As I always do.

All the better I could tell you about them.

But this is how I live now:

My joy is in GOD.

He loves me all the time.

My faith is in JESUS.

He protects me all the time.

My eagerness is with the HOLY SPIRIT.

He teaches me all the time.

My source is Scripture.

It guides me all the time.

It is not a selective love GOD has for us.

He loves us ALL the time.

Have faith in that.

Related material:

GOD wanted me to WRITE

22 Books on Spiritual Warfare

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics


Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Matthew 10:22

King James Version

22 And ye shall be hated of all men 

for my name's sake: 

but he that endureth to the end 

shall be saved.

They walked warily.

Knowing they were not loved.

Wearing khaki.

Every single one of them.

Walking down Session Road.

As I walked up, the opposite side.

I, alone, took notice of them.

Their faces were sad.

Careful to remain unnoticed.

They knew what they were up against.

There could be a mob.

My heart went out to them.

I wanted to talk to them.

To welcome them.

And i wondered what they were doing in my city.

One after another, they walked down.

That was a dream I had, moments ago.

Very early this morning, about 4am.

What was GOD trying to show me?

What was He telling me about them?

What was He telling me about myself?

The look in their eyes haunted me.

They were sad, unloved, wary.

It was strange they were all wearing khaki.

From the neck down.

It was desert uniform.

All were unarmed.

GOD loves them.

Precisely why Satan hates them.

And there is that particular mystery of salvation:

Romans 11:25

King James Version

25 For I would not, brethren, 

that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, 

lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; 

that blindness in part is happened to Israel, 

until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

We cannot be high-minded against them:

Romans 11:19

King James Version

19 Thou wilt say then, 

The branches were broken off, 

that I might be grafted in.

Knowing GOD's plan for both Jew, and Gentile.

The Jews remain unbelieving that the MESSIAH had already come.

All according to GOD's plan.

Romans 11:32

King James Version

32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, 

that he might have mercy upon all.

We must love the Jews.

GOD chose them.

GOD loves them.

GOD is faithful to them.

Even if they had not been faithful to Him.

Who are we to defy the LORD GOD's choice?

A tiny nation embattled on all sides.

A hardy people, knowing no peace.

Satan making sure Israel is wiped out.

As if that will ever happen.

Deuteronomy 7:6 

King James Version

6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: 

the Lord thy God hath chosen thee 

to be a special people unto himself, 

above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

GOD has a purpose for them.

Isaiah 43:21 

King James Version

21 This people have I formed for myself; 

they shall shew forth my praise.

I am aware of GOD's power, and authority.

Over everything, anything, and anyone.

I tremble at His wrath.

I love Him.

And yet I fear Him.

Only because I am born again.

SPIRIT woke me to GOD's TRUTH.

Which cannot be denied.

It is time to love GOD's people.

It is time to love each other.

Each one of us matters to GOD.

That's why JESUS was sent.

Luke 19:10

King James Version

10 For the Son of man is come 

to seek and to save 

that which was lost.

We are all in error.

But GOD doesn't want anyone to perish.

John 3:16-17

King James Version

16 For God so loved the world, 

that he gave his only begotten Son, 

that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, 

but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world 

to condemn the world; 

but that the world through him 

might be saved.

2 Peter 3:9

King James Version

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, 

as some men count slackness; 

but is longsuffering to us-ward, 

not willing that any should perish, 

but that all should come to repentance.

Know WHICH spirit you serve:

1 John 4:6

King James Version

6 We are of God: 

he that knoweth God heareth us; 

he that is not of God heareth not us. 

Hereby know we the spirit of truth, 

and the spirit of error.

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How GENTILES are to Regard JEWS


LOVING each other

Honoring ISRAEL

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

27 years AFTER

  Job 33:15-17

King James Version

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, 

when deep sleep falleth upon men, 

in slumberings upon the bed;

16 Then he openeth the ears of men, 

and sealeth their instruction,

17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, 

and hide pride from man.

That's how long I've been decoding my dreams.

Twenty-seven years now.

And all because I remembered that first heavy dream.

Wherein I saw a bloodied back.

Truly a frightening dream for one so troubled.

That year, in 1997, was my turbulent year.

I had to turn away from society.

And everything I used to know.

I had to look to my wounds in private.

I left the big city, the big house, and moved to the suburbs.

I got a tiny townhouse, that looked like a "train".

It was one, long, continuous stream of at least 42 homes.

Connected by a common wall on each side.

That was a very healing time.

I got to live how I liked.

I got to live in peace, and quiet.

I got to know the neighbors my way.

We had pot luck dinners every so often.

Sharing whatever we had.

Having the time of our life.

In all sincerity, and simplicity.

And that's when the dreams began.

The heaviest of all was that "bloodied-back" dream.

I hid, and healed, in that tiny loft of a townhouse.

Hearing the soothing, everyday sounds from my curious neighbors.

Now I know the meaning of that "bloodied-back" dream.

And it took 27 years to do so.

Only because SPIRIT led me to it today.

By bringing me to Scripture.

As befits a student of SPIRIT.

Leading me to the EXACT verse:

Isaiah 53:5

King James Version

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, 

he was bruised for our iniquities: 

the chastisement of our peace was upon him; 

and with his stripes we are healed.

Knowing that today, all the more I cannot accept the things of the world.

The pride, greed, vanity, covetousness, insensitivities, and abominations.

JESUS died for me.

As He died for you.

That He may save us from our sins.

And give us eternal life.

I continue with the work given me.

To write, warn, watch, wake people up, and worship.

As a decent warrior ought to do.

I cannot really be socializing, when many are perishing.

I must tell you of the Rapture.

Which the LORD JESUS alerted me to in 2020.

As I was just into my fourth month as born again.

Strangely, as the covid crisis began.

No event in our lives is ever wasted.

It always serves GOD's purpose.

He knows who are His.

He knows who will listen.

I hope you do.

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BORN AGAIN classics

CALIFORNIA in danger?

 Psalm 93:3-4 King James Version 3 The floods have lifted up, O Lord,  the floods have lifted up their voice;  the floods lift up their wave...