Wednesday, July 17, 2024

27 years AFTER

  Job 33:15-17

King James Version

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, 

when deep sleep falleth upon men, 

in slumberings upon the bed;

16 Then he openeth the ears of men, 

and sealeth their instruction,

17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, 

and hide pride from man.

That's how long I've been decoding my dreams.

Twenty-seven years now.

And all because I remembered that first heavy dream.

Wherein I saw a bloodied back.

Truly a frightening dream for one so troubled.

That year, in 1997, was my turbulent year.

I had to turn away from society.

And everything I used to know.

I had to look to my wounds in private.

I left the big city, the big house, and moved to the suburbs.

I got a tiny townhouse, that looked like a "train".

It was one, long, continuous stream of at least 42 homes.

Connected by a common wall on each side.

That was a very healing time.

I got to live how I liked.

I got to live in peace, and quiet.

I got to know the neighbors my way.

We had pot luck dinners every so often.

Sharing whatever we had.

Having the time of our life.

In all sincerity, and simplicity.

And that's when the dreams began.

The heaviest of all was that "bloodied-back" dream.

I hid, and healed, in that tiny loft of a townhouse.

Hearing the soothing, everyday sounds from my curious neighbors.

Now I know the meaning of that "bloodied-back" dream.

And it took 27 years to do so.

Only because SPIRIT led me to it today.

By bringing me to Scripture.

As befits a student of SPIRIT.

Leading me to the EXACT verse:

Isaiah 53:5

King James Version

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, 

he was bruised for our iniquities: 

the chastisement of our peace was upon him; 

and with his stripes we are healed.

Knowing that today, all the more I cannot accept the things of the world.

The pride, greed, vanity, covetousness, insensitivities, and abominations.

JESUS died for me.

As He died for you.

That He may save us from our sins.

And give us eternal life.

I continue with the work given me.

To write, warn, watch, wake people up, and worship.

As a decent warrior ought to do.

I cannot really be socializing, when many are perishing.

I must tell you of the Rapture.

Which the LORD JESUS alerted me to in 2020.

As I was just into my fourth month as born again.

Strangely, as the covid crisis began.

No event in our lives is ever wasted.

It always serves GOD's purpose.

He knows who are His.

He knows who will listen.

I hope you do.

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